Dear ChatGPT

Going with the tides of our times, Zoï has for a change not bothered to write the foreword to our annual report by ourselves, we have simply asked ChatGPT.

Dear ChatGPT,

Write an Editorial of 500 words for the Zoï Environment Network Annual Report 2022...

Seconds later…

As the world continues to grapple with the effects of climate change and the urgent need to preserve our planet, organizations like the Zoï Environment Network play an increasingly important role in promoting sustainability and protecting the environment. The Zoï Environment Network Annual Report for 2022 showcases the organization's commitment to environmental stewardship and its efforts to make a positive impact on the world.

Nothing fundamentally wrong with the opening paragraph. Highly general, in a way good for any environmental organization.

The report begins by highlighting Zoï's ongoing work to promote sustainable development and combat climate change. One of the organization's key initiatives in this area is its support for renewable energy projects around the world. Through partnerships with local communities and businesses, Zoï is helping to increase access to clean energy and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

Imprecisions start here. ChatGPT has too much imagination, the report does not begin with (don’t blame ‘it’ the report does not yet exist). Factually wrong are ‘the renewable energy projects around the world’; while Zoï promotes renewable energy as a way forward but we are not implementing projects on the ground. This imprecision - assuming that what we are talking about we also do - is quite persistent throughout the foreword.

The report also emphasizes Zoï's focus on promoting sustainable agriculture and reducing food waste. By working with farmers and food producers, the organization is helping to ensure that food is produced and distributed in away that is both environmentally and socially responsible. This includes efforts to reduce the use of harmful pesticides and fertilizers, as well as initiatives to encourage more sustainable farming practices.

The same here, ChatGPT misses completely our nature of ‘preachers’ working on information for policy development and action but NOT directly working with farmers and food producers (except in our own gardens but this is beyond Zoï).

Another important area of focus for Zoï is the protection of biodiversity and the preservation of natural habitats. The report details the organization's work to conserve and restore ecosystems around the world, including efforts to protect endangered species and promote reforestation. Zoï's work in this area is crucial for maintaining the health and resilience of our planet's ecosystems, which in turn supports the well-being of all living things.

Interesting, how the programme wades through all the Zoï themes, in this para biodiversity and ecosystem restoration. And we are of course flattered to get so much credit for things we actually are not because in general we try to avoid being a ‘bragging organization’ .

In addition to its environmental work, the report highlights Zoï's efforts to promote social and economic development in communities around the world. This includes supporting education and job training programs, as well as providing funding and resources to small businesses and entrepreneurs. By helping to create opportunities for economic growth and development, Zoï is working to build more sustainable and resilient communities.

One of the key themes that emerges from the report is the importance of collaboration and partnerships in achieving environmental and social goals. Zoï's work relies on the cooperation and support of a wide range of stakeholders, including governments, businesses, and local communities. By bringing these groups together and fostering dialogue and collaboration, Zoï is able to achieve greater impact and make a more significant contribution to a sustainable future.

This and the next para are very vague and would apply to any organization working in sustainability. But then, the bot may have found this sort of information on our own website and earlier editorials (…)

Overall, the Zoï Environment Network Annual Report for 2022 is an inspiring testament to the power of environmental stewardship and the potential for positive change in our world. Through its work to promote sustainability, protect biodiversity, and support social and economic development, Zoï is making a real difference in the lives of people and the health of the planet. As we continue to confront the urgent challenges of climate change and environmental degradation, organizations like Zoï will be crucial in forging a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

Zoï Analysis

While we are impressed by ChatGPT’s speed in fulfilling simple tasks, we are not particularly thrilled with its quality. Looking at the highly generic blah, blah, blah results, we wonder whether mankind – and the UN – has routinely used this type of tool. The algorithm seems to have been programmed to behave like an unabashed flatterer, dealing out lots of credit we don’t really deserve. We see some real weaknesses in the response to our simple assignment.

1) Dealing with precision, specificities, numbers: except for the year 2022 the foreword is totally devoid of numbers, which actually are a key element in any annual report.

2) Particularly unsharp in terms of Geographies, Zoï is working in very distinct core regions and countries of engagement, including Ukraine, Central Asia, the Middle East, none of them is mentioned in the short text.

3) The algorithm does not seem to be able to distinguish between talking about and actually doing, thus it translates what we are describing as actually doing it.This confusion actually is also an issue in our everyday life as an organization specializing in information and communication for policymaking but actually very limited technical implementation on the ground.

4) And, what we considered our highlights in 2022,e.g. War in Ukraine and Mountains are not reflected at all. We could certainly provide more guidance or instructions for better results but actually, this exercise makes us quite happy: We are not yet obsolete and at the same time we have a highly interesting discussion piece for our Annual Report 2022.